Monday, November 7, 2011

Crewest art show

I have the pleasure of showing at Crewest Gallery for the Top of the dome show all of the artist took a skull and created there own artistic vision for it. I made a piece called "Last Breath" showing that are last breath in life is as beautiful as our first breath in life .  she is in a 9x16 shadow box made from sculpy .

Last Breath

Last Breath


  1. You do really colorful and interesting work. I like it.

  2. I have a piece of yours that I bought probably back before 2012 at the Hive. It is a study for another piece--maybe for Smitten? It's beautiful and it's one of my favorite pieces I have. I look at it often and wonder about you and your art, and always hoped to be able to buy another sculpture from you.
